The generosity of benefactors has provided five Marshall County School System teachers with grants awarded through the Marshall Education Foundation (MEF) this year. The MEF strives to provide scholarships, grants, and assistance to students and teachers in secondary and post-secondary education in Marshall County.
The Linda Bussart Grant was awarded to Dwayne Cook at Marshall County High School to purchase equipment such as an electroscope to demonstrate the practical application of sometimes obscure mathematical concepts and to encourage students to pursue a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career. This grant is provided by Judge Lee Bussart in memory of her mother, Linda Bussart, who taught for thirty years. Her love of learning and her creativity were the inspiration for this grant.
The Retired Teachers Grant was awarded to Brittany Tull at Westhills Elementary to purchase books for her classroom library. The Beta Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Alpha Grant was awarded to Erin Glass who teaches at Cornersville Elementary School and Cornersville High School to take her English Language Learner students to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center and the Ellington Airport to learn about different careers in STEM.
The First Commerce Bank Grant was awarded to Jennifer Tucker at Marshall County High School to purchase equipment and supplies for her Advanced Placement Photography class, and the Marshall Education Foundation Grant went to Caleb Boone at Forrest High School to help purchase a new xylophone for the band.
The Marshall County School System appreciates the individuals and groups who donated these grants.