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Scam Warning

Posted on Friday, January 12, 2024 at 8:00 am

SCAM WARNING concerning missing jury duty

By Patty Blackburn – Staff Writer

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office advises all residents to be aware of scam calls concerning “missed jury duty.” Several residents have received phone calls with the caller ID being the phone number of the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office which makes the calls seem legitimate. The phone number is being “spoofed.” The scammer informs the person who answers the phone that they have missed the date of their jury duty and there is a warrant on them because of this. The warrant amount is then stated and the scammer tells them the amount to be paid, else they will be arrested.

Payment is to be made by purchasing certain gift cards and a time and place to meet is set up. Another call is made and instead of meeting to take the cards, the scammer tells them to read off the card numbers and PIN’s that are on the back of the gift cards. This gives the scammer the information required to receive the funds loaded on the cards. The cards then have no value and the money is in the hands of the scammer.

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office never makes calls concerning someone missing jury duty. Money is never asked for and warrants are never issued. The correct process to follow if a jury duty appointment is missed, contact the jury coordinator at the Marshall County Court Clerk’s Office and explain the reason. If this process isn’t taken, the judge then issues a “show cause” and the person is given a court date to explain why the jury duty date was missed. Again, no one will call and ask for money to take care of the warrant.

If you have received or ever receive such a call, please notify the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office at 931-359-6122 or the Marshall County Circuit Court Clerk at 931-359-0536.