Lewisburg Mayor Jim Bingham’s Year End Report for 2023
It has been an exciting and challenging year. Many good things have happened and few not so good.
Good things:
* The cities financial conditions continue to improve.
* All city departments and employees have pulled together to provide excellent service in spite of being understaffed.
* Street resurfacing on 5th Ave. North, Matthews Drive and Darnell Mealer Road.
* Rehabilitation of Exploration Station and the Rotary pavilion due to the help of the Rotary Club and Talos.
* Resurfacing of the airport parking lot.
* Receiving a $300,000 grant for Main Street.
* Heater replacement for the pool at the Recreation Center.
* Sale of property on Veterans Drive for $300,000.
* Numerous new businesses throughout the city including the soon to open Waffle House. Zaxby’s has submitted site plans and has applied for a building permit on the property next to Captain D’s.
* Renewal of the employee insurance plan with minimal cost increase to the employee and the city.
Not so Good:
* We have lost our City Recorder, City Treasurer, Codes Administrator and Economic Development Director. All have been replaced except for the Economic Development Director.
* A temporary suspension of water availability.
Looking forward to 2024
* Finally the Installation of the traffic signal at Mooresville Pike and West Ellington Parkway in the spring along with the striping with thermoplastic of several city streets.
* The Council will be asked to approve a new project for upgrading signs and thermoplastic striping on important city streets. No city match required.
* Completion of a wage study.
* A comprehensive upgrade of subdivision regulations and Zoning Ordinances.
I believe 2024 will be an outstanding year as we welcome new residents and new businesses while maintaining our sense of community.
We wish all a happy and prosperous new year.