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Marshall Savage celebrates 50 years at Lewisburg Printing Company

Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 10:00 am

by Jennifer Savage

May 27, 1974, was the day Marshall Savage started working at Lewisburg Printing Company.

“I started working there 3 days after I graduated high school,” he said when I asked him when exactly his 50th work anniversary was. I knew it was coming up soon; but, I just wasn’t sure of the exact anniversary. He has been continuously employed by LPC since that day.

He originally worked under Thomas Hale Hawkins and Tommy Hawkins back when it was also The Tribune. Letterpress machines still functioned in the old building right off the square.

photo courtesy of Jennifer Savage L to R Marshall Savage, Howard Norman, Mike Hastings, Daniel Harrington

I can remember going to work with him so many times when I was little. I grew up around ink, equipment, paper, production, and tools. So many Saturdays we’d swing by the old location just to chat with Thomas Hale and Tommy as they sat around a table drinking coffee. They’d share some of their tater tots with my sister and me – the definition of a family company.

We grew up, and so did Lewisburg Printing – moving locations, adding employees, and transitioning more and more to digital machinery. The company was passed down to Hale Hawkins, the third generation of Hawkins he worked for.

He worked with people from all over the world. For example, being the point-person when they’d fly a technician in from Germany to work on the German printing press, and would work alongside them to problem solve and get a machine back running. One time, there was a group of five in town, from Germany, to work on presses during Thanksgiving. My Dad said, “They aren’t going to sit over there and work all day and not get something to eat.” One of them kind of spoke English; so, he invited all of them over to our house to eat lunch on Thanksgiving.

As much as he was, and still is, committed to his job, as his daughter, I never felt his family came second to his work. One year, he used his lunch break to show up at my Halloween party dressed as Frankenstein with the cupcakes he had made the night before. That’s just one example. There are many more.

He has a heart to serve – his family, his work, his community, the congregation where he and my mom attend (where he has served as a deacon), and I’m sure even a stranger if they ask for help. I’m thankful I grew up with such a wonderful example of not only work ethic and commitment, but what true service and kindness look like.

Not only has he worked there for 50 years doing a variety of jobs from running presses to repairing them; but, he has developed and maintained life-long friendships during his time there. So many people at Lewisburg Printing Company are so special to him.  My dad told me, “It hasn’t felt like 50 years. Working for the Hawkins was like working with family.”

A note from Re Hawkins: Marshall – Congratulations on your 50 year work anniversary at LPC! What an amazing accomplishment! You have seen so much change over the last 50 years, and I’m truly grateful for your hard work and dedication. More importantly, I’d like to thank you and your wonderful family for being so kind to me through my lifetime. I wish you all the best! Love you! – Re 

PS – This is not a retirement story, as he is still working at LPC.

“Our family values, commitment to service, and willingness to invest in printing technology have always been the heart and soul of our success.” – Thomas Hale Hawkins, IV (taken from the LPC website).