The Marshall County Board of Commissioners Meeting was held Nov. 27 at 6:00 p.m. All members were present except for Commissioner Gilbert and Commissioner Dunnivant. There were no public comments. Clint Hammons was recommended for Animal Shelter Oversight Committee. Hammons was a joint pick of County Mayor Mike Keny and Lewisburg Mayor Jim Bingham. Nathan Jack son, Bo Jackson, and Karen Hall were recommended to be appointed to the Agriculture Committee by Mayor Keny. All appointments were unanimously voted in favor of.
Resolution 23-11-03 was voted on for General Purpose School Fund 141. It allows $52,811 to be used for new playground equipment for special education pre-k students through the State Special Education Pre-K Grant. The COPS Grant provides $328,456 and this money will be used for security cameras for various schools.
Resolution 23-11-05 was a resolution to prohibit flag lots under five acres in the county. A public hearing was held prior to the commissioner’s meeting on the matter. The matter was brought up because flag lots have presented issues with 911 responses, nuisance, and drainage. After some discussion, the motion failed and they will not be prohibited despite the Planning Commission’s recommendation to do so.
GHP, INC. out of Nashville was approved unanimously as the architect for the new immunization center at the Marshall County Health Department.
The board voted in favor of Mayor Keny executing a lease renewal agreement between the county and the Marshall County Historical Society. The lease concerns part of the Hardison School Property including the auditorium in the central part of the building along with the stage area, entrances, exits, and hallways, and the parking lot on the west side of the property. The lease if for five years at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per year.
Next, Resolution 23-11-12 passed with a vote of 16-0. The resolution authorizes an amendment to their contract with Putnam County Juvenile Detention Center. There is a need for housing the juveniles ordered into custody by the Juvenile Court here. The amended contract changes the rate of pay per day per juvenile detained from $125 daily to $175 daily – an increase of $50 per day.
A revised base personnel policies for Marshall County Government was presented in Resolution 23-11-13. The County’s Personnel and Policies Committee approved the revision on Nov. 7, 2023. The revisions included A. compensatory time, b. administration of compensation plan, c. approval of timesheets in cases of conflicts of interest, and d. qualification of vacation leave.
Resolution 23-11-15 deals with applying for and accepting assistance for a grant to purchase a computer, printer, and software for the Marshall County Election Commission. The total money awarded is $11,215.13 for fiscal year 2023-2024. It provides assistance for county election commissions for expenditures authorized by the Help America Vote Act.
Marshall County Government is eligible for funds under the State of Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development “Broadband Ready Communities (BRC) Grant Program. As a result, Marshall County Government entered into an agreement of partnership with the Marshall County Memorial Library and the Marshall County Senior Citizens Center “to provide public access to broadband for the community and surrounding areas that are not adequately equipped” The resolutions also says that through these partnership agreements, “the general public will be provided with high-speed internet…to help better community awareness and access to broadband.” These resolutions are 23-11-16 and 23-11-17.