Two Lewisburg Lions members, Vickie Cain and Evan Jones, were recently recognized as Melvin Jones Fellows – the highest honor a Lion Club member can receive.

L to R: Club President Henry Dowlen, Vicki Cain, Club Secretary John Campbell
Cain has been a member of the Lewisburg Lions Club since 2003. During that time, she has held positions such as Director, Secretary, and President. She is probably most known as the Lewisburg Lions Octoberfest MC! She has been a realtor in Lewisburg for many years and is currently a realtor at Buddy Tankersley Realty & Auction.

TN Lions State Council Chair Jill Smelser (L) Evan Jones (R)
While only being a Lion since 2017, Jones has made the rounds and worked his way up into leadership quickly. He has served 2 terms as club president and currently serves as our eyesight chairman and membership chairman. He has served as a zone chair for other clubs in our area, and is now serving as 1st Vice District Governor and soon to be District Governor for the district next summer.
To most people around here, Evan is known as the Octoberfest guy. He and his wife Chelsea have been instrumental in putting Lewisburg’s annual Lewisburg Octoberfest back on the map! It has been breaking records for the past 5 years. Evan has been an IT at First Commerce Bank since 2016.
The Lewisburg Lions Club is extremely proud of Lion Vicki and Lion Evan!
-photos submitted by Lewisburg Lions Club