The Robert Lewis Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsored a wreath laying ceremony on December 16, National Wreaths Across America Day.
Marion Joyce, Robert Lewis Chapter, NSDAR coordinated the event at Andrews-Liggett Cemetery off of Franklin Pike. It is the final resting place of a Revolutionary Patriot Private Frederick Fisher who served in Colonel Campbell’s regiment. World War II Army nurse, Lieutenant Elizabeth Jane Early is also buried there.
Mrs. Joyce welcomed the numerous guests in attendance and thanked them for coming to celebrate the WAA mission to Remember the fallen, Honor those that serve and their families, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom.
Brenda Brown, Robert Lewis Chapter, NSDAR offered a prayer to remember the fallen, prisoners of war, those missing in action, honor those who served and are serving in this great nation’s armed forces. The flag was presented and Mrs. Brown led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Joyce spoke concerning the purpose of Wreaths Across America. She reminded attendees that we are not here today to “decorate graves”. We are here to remember not their deaths, but their lives. Each wreath is a gift of appreciation from a grateful America. She thanked Jason Jent of David Jent Realty for the company’s donation of multiple wreaths and several individuals who donated wreaths for the ceremony. She welcomed and acknowledged local dignitaries who were participating in the wreath laying ceremony and Gold Star Family members were recognized.
As each of the 23 wreaths were placed, the Veteran’s name was called and his or her service was recognized. This included the American Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World II, and the Viet Nam War. NSDAR members, family members, veterans, local dignitaries, and community members placed the wreaths.
Beverly McLain, current Regent of the Robert Lewis Chapter, NSDAR laid the first wreath in memory of those who served and are serving in the United States Army at the grave of Revolutionary Patriot Private Frederick Fisher.
Nancy Allen Pruitt, former Regent of the Robert Lewis chapter, NSDAR and her daughter, Angie Phifer laid a wreath on the grave of Nancy’s great-grandfather, and Angie’s great-great grandfather, Dr. Thomas Alexander Allen who served as a doctor in the Confederate army during the Civil War.
The ceremony was closed with the playing of Taps by Eric Hickman of the Rocket Band of Blue.
A second Wreaths Across America ceremony was held at Sheffield Cemetery in Chapel Hill. Robert Lewis Chapter NSDAR sponsored Sheffield Cemetery as a WAA site in December 2022. Family and community members continued the support for the ceremony this year. Angela Cook, Robert Lewis Chapter, NSDAR and Beth Delk were co-location coordinators. Boy Scout Troop 352 presented the colors. Wreaths were placed on the graves of thirteen veterans at this site. The Town of Chapel Hill placed wreaths on the graves of three veterans buried within the city limits. Jeffrey Snyder of the Rocket Band of Blue played taps at the end of the ceremony.