Lewisburg City Council met on Tuesday, Oct. 10 for its regularly scheduled meeting.
The only old business was the second and final reading of Ordinance 23-29, an Ordinance to amend Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code adding Section 9-113 creating a “No Knock Solicitation Registry” in the City of Lewisburg. The ordinance was proposed after citizens complained about people knocking on their doors during the day and evenings, particularly pest control companies.
The first item under new business was Resolution 23-53 to approve the sale of 20 acres owned by the city in the I-65 Commerce Park to Big G Express, Inc. However, the motion failed when it was not seconded.
The council voted in favor of Resolution 23-56 which approves additional eligible expenditures funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) as recommended by the Budget Committee for an estimated $1.4 million dollars. The funds will go to the following departments that requested funds: Airport, Fire, and Parks & Recreation.
Council member Patty Parsons made a motion and it was seconded by Vickie Michael to approve the joint appointment of Clint Hammons to the Animal Welfare Board.
Back in August, Council Member Tommy Burns asked City Manager Bam Haislip about a $17,00o pay increase that was given to the City Treasurer. Haislip has stated multiple times the $17,000 was not a raise and that it was given only because the job description changed. Burns asked for a policy to ensure the board is notified before changes like that are made. Michael agreed with Burns and in August, they requested a policy for this kind of thing. It has been brought up in each meeting since then with no real progress. Item 6J under new business was brought forth by Burns. He asked for clarification from the City Attorney relating to Article 7 Section 1 of the City Charter. Burns said, “I guess it’s going to be a yes or no question because we’ve had a lot of confusion. In general terms, the council according to the charter, does direct and supervise the city manager, in general terms, yes or no?” City Attorney Thomas Hutto answered, “Under whatever policies are set by the City Council I guess as long as the policy’s not super specific.” Haislip said, “We got that clarified, considering the sixty something years that Charter has been in effect. Now we understand how it works?”
The council approved moving forward with the process of the Public Square park mural. Reports were given by present department heads. All repairs will be finished at the Lewisburg Rec Center in the next six to eight weeks. The stage lights were repaired at Rock Creek Park in time for Goats, Music, and More. There was discussion of a third fire station as the city continues to grow. Staff shortages are happening in numerous departments. There have been resumes sent in for all four open positions: Payroll and Benefits Administrator, Property Maintenance Codes Officer, City Treasurer, and Planning & Codes Director.