Cornersville BoMA
Staff Writer
The Regular Meeting of the Cornersville Board of Mayor and Aldermen was held on Feb. 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. All members were present. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was led by Doris Arthur. The February 2024 Meeting Financials sheet was approved. The January 2024 minutes were approved.
Public comments were opened. Mary Ann Peters thanked everyone for the Citizen of the Year Award. Another citizen expressed concerns about the bridge on Beechwood. There have been several occasions where walkers have almost been hit by cars.
The board appointed Jennifer Spray to the Industrial Development Board. While Spray does not reside in Cornersville, an exception to the rules was made due to her expressing a willingness to serve on the board. All members were in favor.
All voting members were in favor of Ordinance 24-312, following discussion. This ordinance amends Title 20 of Cornersville’s code by enacting a new Chapter 1. It addresses regulation of short term rental units. The Board says they notice an increase of commercial and residential dwellings that are being leased, rented, utilized, or occupied on a short-term basis. The ordinance explains that these are advertised or promoted on the internet and social media.
The eight page ordinance does several things:
• It defines “short term rental unit” and “unit.”
• It defines what short term residential rental agents and occupants are in section 20-1-102.
• Section 20-1-103 says that permits are required and lists what is required for obtaining one.
• The minimum standards for units are laid out including maximum occupancy, codes, ordinances, taxes, and square footage rules.
• Section 20-1-105 involves permit applications: must include business license number, registration number relating to hotel/motel occupancy tax, a narrative, proof of insurance, application fee of $250 for owner-occupied or $350 for nonowner-occupied.
• The short term rental unit annual fee is $100 per room per section 20-1-107.
20-1-109 lists the penalties for failing to obtain a permit or for violating the ordinance in any way. This section also says Owners/Agents who are grandfathered in may be exempt from compliance with some requirements of the ordinance.
All members were also in favor of Ordinance 24-313 to establish an updated safety and health program plan, devise rules and regulations, and to provide for a safety director and the implementation of such program plan. This complies with Public Chapter 561 of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.
Resolution 24-314 allows the town to apply to participate in Tennessee Downtowns, an affiliate program of Tennessee Main Street. The program is designed to help communities embark on a comprehensive revitalization effort. A couple of different ideas were discussed like an arch across the road that reads “welcome to Cornersville,” or a pedestrian bridge across Main Street.
Ordinance 24-325 was tabled until March so that more information could be gathered. It authorizes the town to levy “a privilege tax on the occupancy in any hotel or motel or any place in which rooms, lodging, or accommodations are furnished to transients.”
Under other business, the board discussed scheduling a budget workshop. For the budget to be approved on time, the budget meetings are scheduled for Feb. 29 at 6:30 p.m. and March 28 at 6:30 p.m. The first reading will be at the April 4, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The second reading will be at the May 2, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
The second item under other business was to approve the audit contract with John Poole. All voting members were in favor for up to$4,500.
Town Attorney Billy Ostermann informed the board that in the budget, he will be requesting $250 per hour. His current rate is $200 per hour. He does not want the change to take effect until the start of the fiscal year.