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Christmas Memories-Kim Gentry

Posted on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 11:30 am

Christmas is a perfect time for me to reflect on the many blessings God has provided.  As a child, my Christmas holiday was always a fun, memorable experience and consisted of time spent with my family decorating the tree, consuming large amounts of boiled custard, wrapping gifts, the excitement of scanning the pages of a Sears Christmas catalog and anticipating what Santa would leave under the tree, making homemade candy at my grandmother’s house and turning on the 10 o’clock news on Christmas Eve to watch the Santa tracker to determine how close he was to our house.  Wonderful memories were made… it was a time when life seemed so innocent and simple.

As an adult, the Christmas memories I made with my two grown children when they were little are definitely my favorite and will forever be cherished.  I thoroughly enjoyed each Christmas Eve quietly organizing their gifts under the tree, leaving cookies for Santa, sprinkling homemade reindeer food on the front porch and leaving notes from Santa for them to read on Christmas morning.  When the world was introduced to the Elf on the Shelf, my kids and I adopted our very own beloved elf, Rudy.   I do believe the joy and excitement during Christmas was just as magical for me as it was for them.

As the years passed, I began to realize more and more what a special time Christmas really is.  I’m forever grateful for the wonderful memories and look forward to making more.  May we never lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Him.

Merry Christmas !!

Kim Gentry – Lewisburg Police Dept. – Administrative Assistant