The Marshall County Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Christmas Dinner on Monday night, Dec. 4, at the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association. There were 165 people in attendance. Entertainment for the evening was Carol Hudson, Terry Jackson, and Tom Oakley. Heritage South won the award for best decorated table.
Jessica King Gilliam gave an update about the Chamber: new members, goals for the future, and her excitement about being in the new role as Director. Gilliam announced the changes to the board. The board members that are falling off the board are: Amy Maxey-First Commerce Bank and Ken Lilly-Marelli. The following members will remain on the board: Stacie Henderson-Lewisburg Industrial and Welding & NAPA -Serving as President-Retail, Jennifer Woodside -Lewisburg Printing- Industry, Joe Marchisoni-United Communications-Service/Utility/Banking, and Traci Evans-Ace Furniture-Industry. The following people are coming on as board members: Colton Primm-Marelli-Industry for 2 years, Stacey Cothran-Waste Management-Industry for 3 years, Curtis Johnson-All Star Trophies-Retail for 3 years, Jason Jent-Jent Realty-Retail for 2 years, CJ Coble-Coble Furniture-Retail for 3 years, Rob Wiles-First Commerce-Service/Utility/Banking for 3 years, Dr. Tresha Grissom-Lewisburg Animal Hospital-Service/Utility/Banking for 2 years, and Kevin Miller-Lewisburg Electric System-Service/Utility/Bank for 2 years.