TRACY HARRIS – Staff Writer
The December meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Lewisburg was held on Dec. 12 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting opened with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. No one came forward for citizen comments. The only old business was the second and final reading to approve rezoning 115 Cecil St to R-1, Low Density Residential.
New business included several items that were passed unanimously. They include the following: approval to purchase two police vehicles with the City of Lewisburg Drug Fund; first reading (requires two readings to pass) to rezone 1478 New Columbia Hwy to C-4, Medical/Professional as recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission (owner-Friendly Mobile Investments, LLC); first reading (requires two readings to pass) to annex 31 acres on Webb Rd into corporate limits of the City as recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission (owner- Cameron Coble & William H. Coble, Jr); first reading (requires two readings to pass) to rezone 31 acres on Webb Rd. to R-3 High Density Residential after an unfavorable recommendation by Planning & Zoning Committee (owner- Cameron Coble & William H. Coble, Jr); approval of Mayoral appointments of Lewis Cope and Jane Tilford Barnes to the Lewisburg Housing Authority Board.
Updates on Economic Development are suspended until further notice.
City Manager Bam Haislip gave his report next. The salary study is closer to being finished. Haislip said the company doing it just needs to gather data from each department head and that is coming up soon. The airport paving is done. Waste Management contacted Haislip about the upcoming fully automatic trucks starting in January 2024 after trial run in December.
Chief Scott Braden from Lewisburg Police Department reported that Captain Lonnie Cook just received his pilot’s license and is now certified to operate drones. “He was bound and determined to get it done before the end of the year. He’s spent the last several months studying and preparing. It was a big accomplishment on his part,” Braden said.
Parks & Rec Director Cary Whitesell reported that there is a new water aerobics class and that they are hoping to increase classes to five days a week with more interest. The small meeting room downstairs is ready to be rented out again after repairs.
Chief Larry Williams from Lewisburg Fire Department reported for his final time. Williams said, “I’m just here to say goodbye since this is my last council meeting before I retire. Over the years, I’ve worked with a lot of great people. I’m honored to have been a part of it. The city has been good to me and good to my family.”
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.