Everyone is invited to show up and support our local veterans at the Veterans Day Parade this Saturday. Marshall County and the City of Lewisburg are honored to host the Second Annual Veterans’ Day Parade The parade leaves Lewisburg Middle School at 9 a.m., travels down W. Commerce, and ends at Public Square.
“Marshall County is proud to be teaming up with the City of Lewisburg again this year to honor the Veterans of our county with a parade. Our initial parade two years ago was a big success and unfortunately last year’s was canceled due to inclement weather. This year’s parade will be held on Saturday and we hope that even more people of Marshall County will turn out in great numbers along the parade route as we salute our Veterans for their dedicated and decorated service to our country,” stated Marshall County Mayor Mike Keny.
Any veteran in Marshall County is welcome to participate in the parade. To sign up, please call the Veterans’ Services office at 359-5482 or Mayor Keny’s office at 359-1279.
There will also be a Veterans Day Service at the square at 11 a.m. following the parade. Please bring a lawn chair.
The VFW at 148 E. Church St. will host a free fish fry lunch from noon to 2 p.m. following the events on the square. The public is invited. The menu includes catfish, hushpuppies, fries, beans, salad, coffee and tea. Soft drinks and beer will be available at the bar at regular rates.
The VFW was recently renovated so be sure to look inside at the improvements. You can also check out the new artwork on the exterior by local artist Brandie Liggett. The Full Circle Band will be playing there from 7 – 11 p.m.